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This option is great for pups new to training or even new to a home. If you just brought your dog home either from adoption or a breeder and can't stand to part with them for the full program length this program allows you to get their training started and break it into two parts if you like.

This is our full-length program that encompasses full on leash and off leash training. By the time you pick your dog up from camp they will be able to come, sit, down, down stay and more both on and off leash

On-Leash Curriculum

Two week

We begin with building confidence in the heel position and learning to trust and connect with the handler.  To build connections and teach willing compliance to commands we give boundaries and expectations followed by loving touch and eye contact when compliance is met.  Your pup will know how to heel properly on a loose leash, and to comply to a stationary down, walking down and a down on a recall. They will also know how to come to their name on leash and "heel around".


During this initial training time we also immediately stop any jumping, biting, barking or dominance in playtime, allowing your dog to build confidence and let go of dominance driven behaviors.

After the previous benchmarks have been met, we continue to work on solidifying all commands and work towards quick responses and deliberate movements. We also begin to add as many distractions as we can to ensure that your pup will be solid on a leash with any and all distractions.  Your dog will also have held at least one thirty minute down with distractions and a down stay on leash with us out of sight by the end of their last week.  

Off-Leash Curriculum

4 week

We begin with building confidence in the heel position and learning to trust and connect with the handler.  To build connections and teach willing compliance to commands we give boundaries and expectations followed by loving touch and eye contact when compliance is met.  Your pup will know how to heel properly on a loose leash, and to comply to a stationary down, walking down and a down on a recall. They will also know how to come to their name on leash and "heel around".


During this initial training time we also immediately stop any jumping, biting, barking or dominance in playtime, allowing your dog to build confidence and let go of dominance driven behaviors.


After the previous benchmarks have been met, we continue to work on solidifying all commands and work towards quick responses and deliberate movements. We also begin to add as many distractions as we can to ensure that your pup will be solid on a leash with any and all distractions.  Your dog will also have held at least one thirty minute down with distractions and a down stay on leash with us out of sight in order to progress into off-leash.


   After the on-leash learning is complete, we begin off-leash work by accomplishing close quarter off leash. This means we take everything the dog has learned off leash and work on it without the leash at no longer than a six-foot distance. After your dog becomes confident at this distance we gradually add distance so that by the end of the week we have accomplished at least a twenty-foot recall.  We also work on solidifying down stay at a distance without a leash as well as quick recalls.


After close quarter off-leash is accomplished we practice all your pup has learned off leash at a distance of 50 feet. This includes immediate walking downs, running downs and down on a recall,  all using hand commands.  Near the end of the last week, we work off leash at a distance with distractions.  We also ensure that any new unwanted behaviors that may have surfaced are worked on and that your pup respects and wants to please it's handlers.  We do this by showing your dog how much we appreciate and love them for working hard to accomplish what we are asking.


On and off leash programs have different lengths and prices depending on your pup's age and if you prefer boarding or daycare. Please inquire here for more details.

A word on our training philosophy...

Our training philosophy at TMS K-9 Connections is centered around connections. We take the whole life of the dog into consideration when setting up a training program for each dog.  First, we set the dog up for success both in training and during socialization time. To set clear behavioral boundaries we utilize simple corrections using a training collar or vibrating e-collar. When the dog is compliant we lavish them with love.  Here at TMS, we do not reward dogs with food. We want our dogs to be excited about working with their trainers; not getting fed. We have found that what makes dogs happy is lots of love, a tummy rub or playing ball. Knowing this, we use these moments of connection as a reward instead of food. Training is designed for each individual dog depending on their strengths and weaknesses as well as the age and needs of the handler.  If the owner has young children we will work around bouncing balls, bikes, strollers, high pitched noises, etc.  If the handler is of retirement age or has a handicap we will work with walkers, canes, and learning to walk up and down stairs nicely. It is our intent to make each new dog a member of our camp family and it is important that each pup feels that camp is their "second home". 

Our training technique is award-winning.

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Hours of Operation

Open to the public by appointment only

Mon - Fri: 9am - 3pm

Saturday: Closed

​​Sunday: Closed

Area of Service

Skagit, Whatcom, Snohomish and King County

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